Friday, March 2, 2012

March 2nd

Hey everyone!!! Thought I would give you an update on Drew and Me. Drew has recently applied and had an interview with Johnson and Johnson. This intern could be in either New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Florida, and or California. We are hoping for either New Jersey or Pennsylvania, because that would pit us closer to Drew's family. It is also a six month intern. We may hear back from them today, but they said at the earliest this week. Please, like I have said before, keep us in you prayers.

Also, Drew and I had a fun little get away about two weeks ago. We went to Vegas!!! It was so much fun! We went down for our birthday presents - we decided to combine our birthday presents together. We were able to see the Mentalist on Saturday and on Sunday we saw Mystere. These were amazing productions! If you have never seen Mystere or O you need to see them. The whole time Drew and I were amazed by everything going on. We were also able to spend a few hours at he Vegas temple. It doesn't look like much on the outside, but on the inside it is gorgeous!


  1. Yea! I like to see you posting on your blog! Keep It up!

  2. i hate that i didn't know you went to vegas. i know nothing about your life... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

    also, did you hear back from johnson and johnson?? :)

  3. No, we haven't heard back from Johnson and Johnson. We have heard that if you don't hear anything for a bit is a good thing, because they are actually considering you haha. But, for Drew's sake I hope we hear back soon - even if its bad news. And mom, yeah... I think I need to read through post before posting them :)
