Saturday, December 3, 2011

For Time And All Eternity

Can you imagine it! Drew and I have now been married for a year and a half! We have had a wonderful time being together. There have definitely been ups and downs, like most marriages, but we couldn't have asked for a better marriage than what we have :)

We were married on June 22, 2010 in the Salt Lake Temple and since then have grown even more in love with one another and have had some wonderful times together!

Here are just a few of the things we have done :)

During the summer, after we were married, we were able to go to Lake Powell and spend time with my family. It rained the whole time ha ha. But, it brought the coolest sights that I have never seen before. When taking the house boat into the bay we were passing the cliffs that had waterfalls that were streaming down that were a brilliant color of red.I will never forget the beauty that it brought!

We went on our first camping trip together. We received a tent for one of our wedding gifts, something that we would have never thought to put on our registry, but was an awesome gift! Fun, fun time :) we had gotten the biggest camp ground there was in that park, completely by accident, and it was all to ourselves and our little tent. The next morning when driving back we drove the Alpine Loop to see the beauty of that drive.

Then school started. Once school had started we didn't have much time to really do anything else besides school and homework.
We were fortunate enough, with our crazy lives, to have been able to go to one of our most favorite concerts, Jon Schmidt. This concert each year is held at Thanksgiving Point and have gone there every year since we started dating. This year we were lucky enough to have front row seats!!! I can't even tell you how amazing the concert was. He is a brilliant pianist as well as performer.

Then comes the HOLIDAYS! These were the first holidays we spent together while being married. We struggled to figure out what kind of traditions we wanting to create in our own home. One thing we felt strongly to start doing is to see The Forgotten Carols. It is a great way to start of the Christmas season (we have already gone this year to see it :) ). If you haven't seen it yet I would encourage you to go see it! Another tradition we have started is going up to Gardner Village and walking around the stores as well as going to have dinner at Archibald's. Can I say the best restaurant ever! As we walk around the stores we make sure we stop by the ornament store. This is where we would go and pick out an ornament for each other and wrap them up and put them in our stocking. On Christmas Day we would unwrap what the other has picked out for us and hang it on the tree. Last thing we do, but definitely not the least especially with time as our family grows, we make a Christmas Eve breakfast. Which last year we made waffles with strawberries, bacon, sausage, hash-browns, and orange juice. This is a wonderful way Drew and I are able to spend time together and talk as well as being able to feel the Christmas Spirit with these traditions.

These are just a few ways we celebrate the holidays and I am sure that more traditions will come over time :)

February came! My sister Megan and her husband Devin had their baby SJ, short for Seth James. He is the cuties little thing ever! It has been very exciting to have this new addition to our family. He is now the first grand child to my parents as well as the first nephew to all my siblings (blood related). I can't wait for many more nieces and nephews ;)

To end this blog, I just want to say what an amazing blessing it has been in my life to be married to my best friend. He has always been there for me in every trial I have faced and has loved me unconditionally. I am so happy to have been sealed to him for time and all eternity. I love him with all my heart and I look forward to have many more experiences with him.

I will continue to talk about our first year of being married as well as new things we encounter and fun things we do :)

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